To submit an order you will need to fill out the form below. If you are ordering custom oligos, please request a quote before submitting your order. You will need to submit your PO information, or Credit Card Info along with your completed quote to authorize us to begin work. To order catalog items, please list the corresponding catalog numbers and quantities you would like to order.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Order Details (required)
    Please enter any catalog numbers you wish to order

    Orders can be paid via:
    -Check within 30 days after product is shipped
    -Credit Card by submitting a completed credit card form (5% processing fee applies)
    -International Money Transfer ($40 Bank Fee)

    This order will be paid by:
    CheckCredit CardWire Transfer

    Upload your Completed Credit Card Order Form Here: (As PDF, 1mb limit)

    Upload your Purchase Order here: (As PDF, 1mb limit)

    Orders are shipped via FedEx Overnight to preserve the completed oligos
    Estimate shipping at 30-40$ domestically, or 80-100$ for international shipments



    Fidelity Oligos LLC
    7965 Cessna Ave
    Gaithersburg, MD 20879



    Phone: 301-527-0804
    Fax: 301-527-8250